
New varieties

Pusa Alpana

Pusa Rajat

Pusa Manmohak

Pusa Centenary

Pusa Guldasta

Pusa Shwet

Pusa Sona

New Varieties

"Is a Floribunda type variety of rose and the flowers are compact, light pinkish in colour with high fragrance. The variety is ideal for loose flower production and the fragrant flowers can be used for garland preparation"

  Pusa alpana

"The plants are tall and vigorous with a height of 120-143 cm and its spikes are upright and long, ranging from 116-134 cm. This gladiolus variety is highly suitable for commercial cut flower production"

  Pusa rajat

"The colour of the florets is Saffron Red (40 B) with thin whitish stripes on the throat of two oppositely placed lower tepals. This gladiolus variety is also suitable for commercial cut flower production"

  Pusa Manmohak

"Pusa Centenary, a chrysanthemum variety is an induced mutant of cv. Thai Chen Queen. It is a vigorous growing variety (55-60 cm tall) that produces luxuriant growth. The yellow-colored flowers are 12 to 15 cm in diameter"

  Pusa Centenary

"This chrysanthemum variety attains a height of 58 cm with a good spread of 50 cm. It is ideal for commercial cut flower & potted flower production and bedding purpose"

  Pusa guldasta

It is an open pollinated seedling of cv. Lalpari and the plant attains a height of 41 cm with a good spread of 48 cm. This chrysanthemum variety is perfect for pot culture and garden display purposes.

        Pusa shwet

It is an open pollinated seedling of cv. Sadbhawana. The plants of this chrysanthemum variety are bushy (20-25 branches), extremely dwarf in height (25-30 cm) with excellent spread (50-55 cm). The variety is best suited for pot mums.

         Pusa sona

It is an open pollinated seedling of cv. Sadbhawana. The plants of this chrysanthemum variety are bushy (20-25 branches), extremely dwarf in height (25-30 cm) with excellent spread (50-55 cm). The variety is best suited for pot mums.

Pusa narangi gainda